Georgina Fuller
Freelance Journalist & Media Consultant

What I learnt on holiday with my autistic son (Daily Telegraph)

Spare me the tyranny of the school WhatsApp group! (Daily Mail)

I’ve lived without central heating for 10 years. This is how you can do it too (Sunday Telegraph)

Is there anywhere left in the Cotswolds that ISN’T just like London? (Sunday Telegraph)

Why every woman should hire a male cleaner (Daily Mail)

The most surprising thing about midlife? The friendship shift (Daily Telegraph)

I found my first love after 32 years (Stella)

Things you only know if you marry a Catholic (Grazia)

I have culled my friends to just the ones I value (The Observer)

Heir apparently (Tatler)

This Morning debate, ITV: should children be banned from pubs?

Kirstie Allsopp is right – I’m not a fan of homework either (Talk TV)

Why I have culled my friends to just the ones I really value (Steph’s Packed Lunch, C4)

Why I’m no fan of David Walliam’s children’s books (Talk TV)

Talking about rising childcare costs (BBC South Today)

Talking about rising childcare costs – again! (BBC Radio Oxford)

Can young children be trained in a similar way to dogs? (Good Morning Britain)

Why the UK’s childcare system isn’t working for working parents (Talk TV)

Why I’m not in favour of homework for primary school children (Jeremy Vine Show, Radio 2)

Well done Marie Kondo, I gave up tidying by the third child too! (Vanessa Feltz, Talk TV)

Why it’s important for everyone to have access to green spaces (World at One, Radio 4)

Blue blooded bust up at toxic towers (Mail on Sunday)

This Morning, ITV: is it time we had an eco-friendly Christmas?

I’ll be there for you (Prima magazine)

My father became both parents to me after my mother died (Sunday Telegraph, Stella magazine)

How to be a Dad: a beginner’s guide (Guardian Weekend)

This Morning, ITV: should children be left alone in cars?

Godparent proposals: I don’t.. (Sunday Telegraph)

I left my job in the City to sell chocolate spread (Guardian Weekend)

The Vanessa Feltz show (BBC Radio London) – the highs and lows of having three children

Jeremy Vine show (BBC Radio 2) – talking Royal babies

Jeremy Vine show (BBC Radio 2) – talking rubbish (or rather, litter)

Holidaying without my family made me a better mum (Sunday Telegraph, Stella magazine)

Carry on Glamping (Smallish magazine)

Give women a platform: meet the tech workers challenging the all-male panel (The Guardian)

Portuguese promises (Smallish magazine)

Back to the Boardroom (Modern Woman)

A Closed Book: the importance of reading to your children (Little London magazine)

He’s Catholic, I’m atheist. How should we raise our kids? (Sunday Telegraph, Stella magazine)

Declutter your life (Smallish magazine)

The Magic Faraway Tree (Smallish magazine)

Challenging a male-dominated workplace culture (The Times)

Take pride in diversity: how to support LGBTI people at work (The Guardian)

A mum’s guide to summer holiday sanity (The Telegraph)

The Cambridges will soon find out that having three children is very different to two (Good Housekeeping)

Why I won’t become my mother. Grace Woodward’s memoir (Red magazine)

The gig economy ‘slashies’ risk burnout (The Guardian)

Self-help: how ‘techfugees’ are helping asylum seekers get digital (British Airways Business Life magazine)

Supporting women returners after maternity leave (Edge magazine)

A mother’s courage (Woman’s Weekly magazine)

Leadership in schools (Edge magazine)

Why having a third child will ruin your holidays (Telegraph Travel)

Mount! Book Review (Stratford Herald)

Loose Reins Western riding ranch – review (Smallish magazine)

Is your holiday home a barrier to proper family adventures? (Daily Telegraph)

The enemy within – the growing threat of employee fraud (First Voice magazine)

Why I’m a lighthouse parent and won’t mollycoddle my kids (Daily Mail)

Why I spoil my daughter more than my sons (Daily Telegraph)

The cost of our babies (Reveal magazine)

I found out my husband didn’t love me from a photograph (Stella, Sunday Telegraph)
Sharing the load – the benefits of Shared Parental Leave (Edge magazine)

Puy Du Fou – France’s best kept secret (Smallish magazine)

Celebrating black fathers and the contribution they make (The Guardian)

Latest newcomers to the Millionaire Villages Club (Daily Telegraph)

An idyllic spot for a hellraiser (Sunday Telegraph)

Hands up, who else hates children’s parties? (Daily Telegraph)

The ego epidemic – the rise of the narcissist (Edge magazine)

The Wondercrump World of Roald Dahl (Smallish magazine)
What this gift means to me (Woman magazine)

Giovanna Fletcher and McBusted husband plan to be more relaxed parents (Daily Mail)

How to end the year on a high (Edge magazine)

Macho working cultures deter talented women (People Management)

Why it’s sometimes okay to leave your kids in the car (Daily Mail Online)

What no one ever tells you when you’ve only got one child (Daily Mail Online)

What the new government means to us (Look magazine)

Working mums – have we really got it easier today? (Edge magazine)

Why losing a big sister is an agony like no other (Daily Mail)

Spiritual leadership coaching (Edge magazine)

Why is mental illness still a taboo in the workplace? (Edge online)

Becoming a Mum without a Mum (Daily Mail)

Top 10 Management Pitfalls (Edge magazine)

House of Fun – what makes a fun office? (Edge magazine)

Time for Plan B – workforce planning (HR Magazine)